The Seller’s Checklist for Etsy Shop Success


An affordable, printable PDF download workbook that teaches Etsy shop owners the HOW and WHY of Etsy shop search engine optimization (SEO). With explanation of not just what to do, but why it affects your shop’s trust markers, shop owners will learn how to become more visible, more effective, and more successful!

In The Seller’s Checklist for Etsy Shop Success, you will learn:
  • what makes Etsy so special as a selling platform
  • why finding your shop’s niche matters
  • the three places you must have keywords, and the secret spot you may not be aware of
  • the types of photos that best serve you and your customers
  • what tools to use to validate your ideas and find your best keywords
  • when to update listings, and when to leave well enough alone
  • how to take some time off without destroying your shop’s visibility

This 15 page printable PDF workbook offers a well rounded introduction to Etsy SEO, priming you for Etsy shop success. Print or read on your chosen device, with clickable links.

More information below.

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Simple, effective steps to take to achieve Etsy shop success

Etsy is a wonderful sales platform, but just because it’s simple to use doesn’t mean it’s easy to master. This affordable, approachable guide walks shop owners through different aspects of shop set up, photos, social media and more, to increase trust markers on your shop and in turn, improve visibility.

Shop SEO leads to Etsy shop success

SEO (search engine optimization) involves taking specific steps to answer questions, improve accessibility, and create top-notch content. This leads to improved visibility and in turn, the potential for increased sales.

Build a better shop

Etsy shop SEO is about more than sales (though that’s the obvious goal). This guide offers easy-to-implement steps any shop owner can take that not only improves visibility, they also create a better overall shopping experience for the customer. Shop owners become more aware and effective, and will begin to see results as they continually build a better shop.

Enjoy an approachable, affordable Etsy SEO education for Etsy shop success

This 15 page printable PDF workbook walks you through what makes Etsy special, why SEO is important, and provides a ton of hints and tips for building your best shop. After all that education, use a 2-page checklist to audit your shop. This checklist isn’t meant to provide a score, but rather to offer a tangible look at the state of your shop, which clearly guides you in deciding what steps to take next.

With a ton of information on Etsy SEO, the 2-page checklist, and a page of resources for finding and validating keywords, graphic design, and more, this printable PDF workbook will help new and existing Etsy shop owners build their very best shop for ongoing success.

Use The Seller’s Checklist for Etsy Shop Success virtually on your favorite device (with clickable links), or print and manually complete checklists.

Your Seller’s Checklist for Etsy Shop Success PDF guide will be available for download and immediate use as soon as payment clears.

Due to the nature of digital downloads, we do not accept returns. This document and contents are/remain the property of Ilana Leah LLC and are not to be reproduced or shared.

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